About Us

Our existence was borne out of the passion to produce and distribute healthy foods, research and source for healthy products hence foster healthy living.

Mission Statement

It’s our sole purpose to bring you food and beverage products that aid you in achieving a healthier life and greater fitness!

We produce healthy foods and source for the finest products, research their beneficial properties and once we’re 100% satisfied that they meet with our strict, nutritional criteria, we make them available to you.

MA&J Vitalife Foods & Products was created by Hyman Ilonze, the highly successful Nigerian born solver of ethical and global problems.

A Personal Story

After spending years suffering discomfort from indigestion, Hyman searched for a product that would provide relief.  After many failures, succor came when a friend suggested trying a prune health drink from California that he found as a truly effective remedy. This inspired him to continue his search for a range of natural, healthy and delicious products that will make everyone’s daily life much more enjoyable.

Hyman didn’t stop at sourcing for healthy products, he moved a step further by producing a highly nutritious and healthy food product called Vitalife Oat Flour suitable to be taken as a swallow, porridge and breakfast cereal.

The Vitalife team keeps up with researching the globe to bring health and wellbeing to the beautiful people of the African continent.

Our production and research will never stop!

We want the world to be a happier and healthier place. That’s why we also support charities and
with GOD’s help, our mission will be accomplished.

Interested in our Oat Flour and other products?

Delve into the world of food products that will make you happier and healthier.